European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

Health Reform Tracker

The Health Reform Tracker provides a first-ever overview of the content and dynamics of health reforms in over 30 countries across the WHO European Region and North America over time. The Observatory's Health System Policy Monitor (HSPM) network of experts has been collecting the “top three” health policy and system reforms for each country annually since 2018. These are organized, validated and synthesized by the Observatory.

The reforms are classified according to two types of clusters - health system functions and care areas - as well as by their type and policy originator.
Get country reports

Functions and Care Areas

Europe & Middle East
North America

World Map

Select a cluster (either care area or health system function) to see which country had a reform in the selected year. Use the timeline to see the reported reforms for the selected cluster in a specific year. To see how a cluster evolves across countries over time, click on the animation button. On the map, countries belonging to the HSPM network are shaded in darker gray . All countries with a reform in the selected cluster, e.g., "Governance" are highlighted in that cluster's designated color . Click on the shaded country to see a list of relevant reported reforms; click again on the reform name for the specifics of a reform.

Heat Map

Select a cluster to see which country had a reform in this health system function or care area over the years. Countries that had more than one reform in the selected cluster are highlighted by blue . Those with only one are in gray .

Number of reforms per year / Share of reforms per year

Explore the distribution of reforms across clusters from 2018 to 2024. Select a cluster to view its frequency over time. You can toggle between viewing the number of reforms assigned to the cluster or the share of reforms in each year that include the cluster.

Please note: The percentages do not add up to 100% because a reform can belong to multiple clusters.

© 2025, (acting as the host organization for, and the Secretariat of, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)